Dehydrated Snacks for the Bug Out Pack

Dehydrator snacks are nutritious, light in the back pack and nourishing in an emergency. Here are ideas for different dehydrator snacks you can make.



Candied strawberries are a traditional dehydrator treat and very easy to make. Simply slice strawberries and dip them in strawberry gelatin or sugar.  Then dry the fruit according to your dehydrator directions.  It is also quite easy to give large berries a similar treatment for a quick, flavorful treat.  Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and even kiwi slices work well.



Another neat and nutritious snack is Carrot Pineapple Crunch. This is a mix of lemon, sugar, and shredded carrots, toasted slivered almonds and crushed pineapple that can be shaped into balls or leather.


Corn Flatbreads taste like tortilla chips. However they are bit healthier for you because the nuts in them have protein. Combine corn (defrosted frozen corn is okay, cashews, lime and salt to make a paste and spared on fruit roll up sheets until they are about ¼ inch thick.  Dehydrate and then enjoy eating plain or with any kind of dip.  The corn in these can help provide quack energy if needed.



A similar healthy cracker is made from soaked chia seeds, water, very ripe banana, salt and cinnamon.  This mixture is mashed together and then put into the dehydrator for drying.



Dried Fruit balls are another nutritious option. This is a combination of dried dates, figs, prunes, resins, walnuts, sunflower seeds, lemon juice and flaked coconut.  All of these ingredients are processed in food processor and then shaped into one-inch balls. Some people keep the coconut separate and roll the balls in coconut later. However it is easier to just put the coconut in the mix.  You can than dry your dehydrator for four to six hours or until crisp on the outside.  This is a highly recommended snack recipe for bug out packs because chia is one of the few full plant sources of protein in the entire world.



Raw Holiday Stuffing You can just eat this dehydrated as a snack if you want or you can rehydrate it and use it to stuff a real bird.  Mash up garlic, sage, rosemary, thyme, walnuts, miso, onion, celery and parsley.  Mold it all into a loaf and put it into the dehydrator. You can eat it sliced if you like or actually make it part of a main meal. Stuffing has a comforting flavor that might be of use if you are dealing with unhappy children or people who have beans spending weeks in a less than ideal situation.