Special High Volume Exotic Produce for Preppers

There are some plants that exist that really are tasty, a bit exotic and also grow in the kind of high volume that is so wonderful for those prepping, canning, drying and stockpiling for an emergency.


Roma tomatoes are very prolific and fleshy tomatoes that produce a lot of fruit while using very little water. Just three plants can produce eight quarts of tomatoes (on average.)  They are good to grow in dryer climates or in places where there is a water shortage.


Asian Long Beans, also known as asparagus beans, also produce a very large number of bean pods per plant. This is a climbing type of bean that can get as long as fourteen inches. You are advised not to let them get much longer than that or they can Tate bitter.  They taste like a slightly nuttier green been. Just one climbing plant can make over twenty pints of pickled beans that are a great addition to any stockpile.


Jalapeno peppers – These little spicy pepper produce a lot of fruit and they love sunshine and heat. They do not need that much water to thrive.  Be careful which type you choose as some are very hot.  They can be used to add a dash of heat to almost any dish or drink and are good for clearing up respiratory and circulatory problems as well.


Perilla – The other name for this plant is the beefsteak plant. It is a member of the mint family and has a very strong flavor. The leaves can be pickled with pepper in sesame oil to make a delicious condiment.


Russian Sunflowers – Russian Sunflowers  are also known as mammoth sunflowers.  They can produce enough seeds to fill a small peanut butter jar.  To harvest you cut of the heads, dry them for a couple of days and the peel out the seeds. You soak them in saltwater over night and the dry them. You can put them in jars, cans or bags and use them as source of protein.


Pear Cactus is another prolific big bush to grow. You can eat the pear itself as a fruit which is called ‘nopal’ in Spanish. You can dice it up the padded “leaves” and use it like bell pepper in salads and salsas.


All of the above plants are known for producing a tremendous amount of food which is what needs if you are trying to be an budget-conscious survivalist.