If you are in an emergency situation it can be a real challenge to stay clean. You may have to learn how to clean yourself it with minimal amounts of water. If you have a real water shortage you might have to go without for a while. However there are ways of keeping clean so you can prevent bacteria, disease and discomfort.
As long as you have a little bit of water and maybe a little bit of soap and something to put that in you can wipe you’re clean as best you can. An example would be a bit of cold water from a stream, a washcloth and a bit of soap. You simply dab one part of the cloth with soap and water and use it to wipe yourself down best you can. You can then use the other end of the cloth to use any remaining part of your body “a bit of a rinse.
Depending on the nature of the cataclysm that has put you in survival mode you may be able to find water for a bath in rain barrels. Do not use water stored near factories or places that might be toxic. Some substances that look like water are actually a stew of toxic chemicals.
As long as the water is not contaminated there is also the option of rinsing yourself in a stream or lake. Even a dip in the ocean is more refreshing for some people than walking around felling dirty.
If you have very little water you can maximize the use of it by using a spray bottle filled with a little water. This can help refresh you now and then.
As you will not be taking a big shower or bath to be clean you have to stay clean during the day by taking mini baths. You can moisten a cloth and keep it in a Ziploc bag. This keeps it wet enough so you can use it when you need it most.
If you have a lack of water you can also use diaper wipes or moistened novelettes to wash up every now and then. Alcohol and anti-bacterial gels and wipes (like Purcell) can also be used to help you stay clean if there is no water available.
If you have water that needs warming you can use a solar water bag. You fill this black bag with a nozzle with water and leave it in the sun for the day. You will then have enough water to take a bath or shower that is not cold. This can be very refreshing and comforting in an emergency and make you feel clean.