If you have a disaster on your hands ad nothing but a pot and some water and access to a fire then you will be quite grateful to have some powered egg on hand. Eggs are a good sense of protein and chock full of vitamins and minerals including A, B12 and folate. If you have a pregnant person or growing child in your home then it is crucial you have powdered egg in your home.
Dried eggs will last in your home for up to a year as long as you take care to store them in a cool, dry place. Powdered eggs can be used immediately in almost any recipe without cracking or thawing. In an extreme circumstance you could just eat the powder dry or mix it with clean water and you would have an instantaneous food source.
Powdered whole eggs are an alternative to fresh eggs that are convenient to use and store. They taste like scrambled eggs when you add them to water. One two pound can of whole egg powder is the equivalent of eighty to ninety eggs.
To make a scrambled egg you would simply add 1 teaspoon of the powder to two teaspoons of water and cook to mimic a medium egg.
If you are on a diet or have problems with cholesterol then you can buy powdered egg whites. These egg whites are quite foamy. Like whole eggs you mix them with water and then cook them or drink them. One two pound can of egg whites is equivalent to roughly 309 egg whites. You can also buy powdered egg yolks in two pound cans. This is used more for culinary purposes in restaurants for making things like Hollandaise sauce but powdered egg yolks are a definite source of emergency protein if you have nothing else to eat in a disaster. Powdered egg yolks are also often used to make homemade ice cream although in an emergency you would be more likely adding the powder to powdered milk to make a kind of nutritious beverage.
You can use either the powdered whites, powdered egg yolks or powdered eggs in any kind of cooked product. You can make bread or cakes and add it to milk to add a bit more protein.
The other good thing about powdered eggs is that they are a portable food source in case you find yourself having to quickly relocate.