Reducing the Money You Spend At the Grocery Store

Part of saving up for the extra money needed to stockpile your shelter or buy survivalist equipment is practicing frugality in the present.  One thing that you can control is how much money you spend at the grocery store.


Here is an excellent ways to reduce the amount of money you spend at the grocery store.


Sales. Most grocery stores usually do a good job of putting everyday items on sale. If you buy the product on a regular basis, you might as well take advantage of the discounted price, and buy it when it’s on sale.

Savings Card Programs. Plenty of grocery stores have implemented savings card programs, which give you a wider range of discounts to take advantage of. For many of us, groceries are one of our biggest expenses, so the more ways we can save at the store, the better.


Coupons. Your most potent weapon against the grocery bill is coupons. You can find them in newspapers, flyers, and hundreds more online. These coupons can range from five cents to 100% off the cost of the item. You can’t get better than free! While a coupon for a certain product may limit you to one product per coupon, you can often pick up several of that item by simply using a coupon with each item. It’s easy to obtain multiple coupons.  Some stores even double the amount you see on the coupon, so you’ll definitely want to look into which stores have such a program because it can add up to big savings very quickly. It’s possible to buy two hundred dollars worth of groceries, hand them a stack of coupons, and only end up paying a tiny fraction of the price. Ask any cashier if they have customers who do that regularly, and they’ll agree,


Stockpiling. Don’t just stockpile for emergencies. Stockpile for your eating needs now and save tons of money as well. Buying in bulk has become a trend when it comes to grocery shopping. Stores like Sam’s Club and Costco thrive on selling items in bulk at a low price. When used in moderation, buying in bulk can be a great way to save money. Be careful not to get carried away when shopping in stores that sell in bulk. Plan out what you may be able to use before the expiration date and shop accordingly. Keep in mind, also, the amount of storage


By the way you can take advantage of buying in bulk even if you’re single. Divide the cost and the spoils of your treasure trip with some friends. This way, all of you can save money and still avoid the inconveniences of stockpiling large amounts of stuff.

Saving Money for a Disaster Using The Envelope Method

The Envelope Method requires you to move to a cash-only system. Al-though this may sound like a challenge, it’s really easier than you think!  This technique is an incredibly simple three step process.


Step 1 – Divide and conquer. Each payday, cash your paycheck at your bank, then divide the cash into different envelopes for each expense cate-gory.


For example, label one envelope Rent or Mortgage, one envelope Groceries, one envelope Car Payment, and continue in that manner until you have an envelope for every expense. Include an envelope for daily spending money for things like lunch or parking.


To determine how much to put into each envelope, look at your monthly budget and then divide the monthly expense by 2 if you get paid twice each month or 4 if you get paid every week. So if you get paid every week and your grocery bill is $400/month, take $100 out of each paycheck and put it into the Groceries envelope.


Step 2 – Use cash for your expenses. Once your paycheck is divided up, it’s very easy to keep track of your spending. That Groceries envelope, for example, is your grocery money for the week. Spend it wisely. Once you spend the money in that envelope, that’s it for that week.


Step 3 – Effortlessly limit daily spending. Each day, put the cash from that day’s Spending Money envelope into your pocket or purse. That’s your spending money for the day. When it’s gone, stop spending!


Making a separate envelope for each day’s spending money helps you stay within your budget without having to keep a mental figure of your balance in your mind at all times.


Besides making it easy to limit your spending to the budgeted amount, the Envelope Method also gives you a better sense of your moneyWhen you pay cash, you’re more likely to see the real impact of your spending, even if it’s small expenses.


As you will soon see these really small expenses seriously add up and even just using the envelope method for a few months can be very effective for helping you save money for your survivalist expenses.